My Holiday


      In my last holiday i got some activities, first at 24 Desember 2019 i went to lodaya field to support ed foster team who are competed, the score of foster team that day is 20-2 foster team win.after i support foster team at lodaya field i went to banyu minuman with andhika and rezqa to hang out,after i hang out with my friend i went to bec to watched jumanji film with my family but after we arrived at bec my faher and my mom told better we watched the film in pvj because in bec studio is full so we go to pvj, after we arrived at pvj we buy a ticket for jumanji film and we watched jumanji film.

     Second at 25 Desember i hang out again but now different friend wich is david,but after we arrived at hang out place but the hang out place are close after that suddenly dega call david to hang out in dega house so me and david went to dega house for hang out until 5.30 pm after that i went to my home but after me arrived at my house i just bring my fence key so i can't go inside in my house so i wait my familiy to come at my house
     Third at 31 Desember i went to hang out place in the morning untill 4.30pm, i hangout with my friend i planed i will New Year's Eve, but my mom called me to go home because my big familly will get together to New Year's Eve.

     In my holiday i play a game that is Real Racing3, that is racing game but at nivember the game update in the update there is new race wich is F1 race iam so excited because i want to feel how to race in F1 game.

     At the weekend of my holiday me and my familly some times go to setraduta regency to clean my familly new house and to install various properties in my familly new house like curtain,mirror,carpet and many things more. 


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